Sunday, 23 March 2008

Useful websites

Try some of these if you need to find out facts about space, or are just interested in looking through space websites: The official NASA site. Good pages on the solar system and shuttle. Huge site Interesting pieces about the ATV (automated transfer vehicle) space exploration site. Ask mum or dad to help you register and then give the latitude and longitude of your home and then click on calendar, and you'll get a sheet of everything that will be in the sky, visible from your back garden. By ticking certain boxes you can request all the information you need. For instance, STS 123 (Space shuttle endeavour) will be visible just before 5.45am tomorrow morning! Great for a clear night. Binoculars are useful, but remember, NEVER, look at the sun through binoculars

Here is today's version (23.03.08) for my back garden: Iridium flashes are where the sun is reflected off the panels of any satellite, ISS or space shuttle.

Hope you find these a useful start.

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